Friday, May 14, 2010

Comment to Jessica's Post of Painful Law

Our classmate Jessica posted an article on the new Immigration Law in Arizona and the situation of illegal aliens.Here is my reply...

Jessica, we have very similar view points on the immigration of illegal alien status. It seems that they often move here and want to live by the same rule as the they did in Mexico. I also don't like the fact that discrimination is what it has had to boil down too. I hope that Arizona does not use this law for more than what is was created for, to keep the illegal immigrants out of our country and from using our resources.

In your article you express that we as citizens should not blame President Obama for any newly occuring problems with this law, and I agree as well. There is going to be complications with any new law, but what is most important is the way we deal with the problems as they arise. We can't always forecast exactly what is going to happen when a new law is set in place.

As you stated, discrimination and violence have been around for a very long time, to be honest as long as humans have been alive. If we want to eliminate this problem, which personally think is an unrealistic idea, we would have to ban together 100% as the human race and vow to no longer continue discriminating or acting on our anger. I do not think that we could get every single human to agree to this. As much as I am a "live in peace" fan, I can not change everyone to think like me.

I wish I could think of some other way to help rid our country of havoc causing illegal aliens who take our hard earned tax dollars, but I just don't see any other way. I hate the fact that this puts LEGAL Americans in the wrath of law enforcements hands. It is sad to see that it has come to this. This whole situation is causing a lot of turmoil with in country, but avoiding it will not help us. Again I am sorry for the hard working Americans that happen to be in the middle of this crazy situation.
May 14, 2010 9:

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