Monday, April 19, 2010

Abortion... Individual Rights or Morality Contest?

First off I would like to commend Megan for opening up such a controversial topic, and with that I think you have the right idea. My interpretation of your post concluded a lot more than just pro choice or pro life. It was more about our rights as Americans. I know it is hard to believe now, but this country was once called "The Land of Opportunity." The opportunity to fix life long mistakes and get a second chance at your life.

The choice to receive an abortion cannot be an easy one, and the only person that should be able to make such a life altering decision is the person wanting/not wanting the abortion. I do not believe that the government should step in and make moral decisions for anyone. No one has to believe that what you are doing is the “right” choice, because the only person that knows what is best for you is yourself. No one has lived a day in your shoes. Reasons for abortion vary from person to person. Something as simples as “I am not meant to be a mom” or “This child will be born into poverty, and we will never be able to get off of government funded living.”

Often time’s people disregard other’s reasoning for lack of knowledge of what it would be like for that child or those parents. What if the parent’s chose to keep an unwanted baby? A life of neglect and welfare most likely would follow. Do you want to pay for that child, because you will in the long run? Your tax dollars will be spent on the care for the mother during pregnancy, years of WIC to follow, and life of welfare.

I am not a one sided or irrational person and understand that there is another side to abortions, the “killing” of UNBORN child. It is hard to say that there is life with out being born, yet pro- life believers think so. If you take in to account that the fetus would have virtually no chance of life if born during the allotted abortion availability time, are you really killing another being?

Our rights are diminishing day by day. We were guaranteed life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but somewhere along the life of our country we lost what our Founding Father’s so desperately fought for. Abortion shouldn’t be a debate of moral belief (yet it has come to this); it is more or less a fight to keep our personal freedom. Our freedom to speak out when we want to be heard, our freedom to choose our own religious beliefs, our freedom to live where we want, and yes even our freedom to receive an abortion if we feel that it is what is best for our own life. Megan you are so right. What are they going to TELL us to do next?

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